Friday, January 29, 2010

home suwittttt home~ :D

fyi, saya dah selamat sampai di bumi Shah Alam pada tengah hari 27/1/2010... tp saya x dpt nak update blog memandangkan saya demam panas aka high fever since Isnin (25/1/2010) petang... tp saya menggigil2... will someone explain the situation to me again, please~ masa doctor explain, otak saya x berapa betul sangat...

besides high fever, saya juga mengalami:
1. hidung berlari2 aka runny nose aka Rhinorrhea (Zyrtec D)
2. kadang2 blocked nose
3. unproductive cough (expectorant)
4. sore throat (Cephalexin)
5. rashes all over my body! gatal ok~ (Calamine cream + Zyrtec D) saya kelihatan seperti... x tau laa nak kata seperti apa... yg penting aneh sebab ada red patches all over my body includig my face! ngee~
6. and for fever, i was given PCM, of course, which taste like weed (ye ke weed rasa cenni?? hee~)! please laa~ kepada klinik yang berkenaan, sila laa order PCM brand lain... even ubat KK tastes better kottt~

sekarang dah rasa macam dah sihat sket~ macam laaa~ pdhal td t'lewat 2 jam makan ubat, dah start shaking balik... ces! nmpknya saya konon2 sihat shj... drug dependent! erkkk~

i got so many things to story mory... tp kena hold dulu... lama2 menaip kang jd x btol plak kepala hotak aku ni! uhuk2!

please wish me well ok~


Unknown said...

smoge cpt sembuh~~ utk ak juge..

Unknown said...

i'm wishing u well..nk wish tok diri sendri gak sebenarnye..hahaha..mari kite demam dan sembuh sc berjemaah..

.: atirah :. said...

tu arr pasal~ ksian kat kite kan?? uhuk2! =p